Friday, April 22, 2022

The Cave – Part Fifteen

To quickly recap: Friends Eve and Sara were rock climbing and stumbled across a large cave with primitive drawings on its walls. A rock slide traps them inside. Having little choice, they go deeper into the cave, hoping to find another exit. The cave system seems to be a mixture of natural and man-made and the further into it they go, the stranger Eve starts acting. Just as Sara thinks they’re getting close to a way out, Eve shoves her off of a ledge into a chasm. Now they must each find their way. But there's something else going on as well . . .

Sara realized her mistake the moment she hit the water. It was colder than she expected, much colder, like a spring runoff despite the fact it was mid-summer when they entered the cave. And the current was stronger than she expected too. How had she not realized how strong it would be?

Her swimming skills were average at best. Even had she been at full strength, she doubted this would have been a good idea. Total darkness surrounded her. Her light had either stopped working or was gone. Somehow the darkness made it worse. Fear sank it’s claws in her.

She could feel her strength flagging. The rushing water was a roar surrounding her. She was being tossed around like flotsam, being borne along at the river’s whim. This was not the way it was supposed to be.

Maybe it wasn’t too late. If she could make it to the side, either side, maybe she could pull herself back up on the ledge. Even the ledge in the dark would be better than this. But it was too late. She’d made a colossal mistake and she did not have the strength left to fix it.

It was getting harder to keep her head above water. How far had she traveled? How much further did she have to go? The terrible knowledge that she might not make it filled her.

Sara decided to make one more try for the ledge. Even if she made it to the wrong side she could grab onto the rock and catch her breath. With the last of her strength she tried to move to the side. The attempt caused her to spin in the water, scraping her against the rocks. Losing her struggle to stay conscious, the current swept her away.

* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

Voices. Sara was sure she heard voices. It had to be her imagination. She was drowning, or maybe she’d already drowned. Her eyes wouldn’t open, but she didn’t want to see anyway. Maybe she was oxygen deprived and her mind was gone. She slipped into unconsciousness again.

“You waited too long. We should have helped sooner.”

“I followed the rules. We guide only until she reaches the sanctuary.”

“You forget human lives are frail. She almost died – she might still die.”

“If we do not abide by the rules, we’re no better than the Other.”

“The Other. Even now the one the Other has influenced is closing in on the goal.”

“You must have faith, brother.”

When Sara next awoke, she was no longer in the river. How had she gotten out? Had the water drained away? She was still only on the cusp of consciousness and her thoughts were muddled.

“Drink,” a soothing voice told her.

Gentle hands helped her raise her head and a cup was held to her lips. Sara’s eyes didn’t seem to be working properly, she could only see vague shapes.


“It will help with the pain.”

Suddenly she became aware of the aches and pains all over her body. It felt like she’d been pummeled to within an inch of her life. Sara drank from the cup.

“Now sleep,” the voice told her.

Sara slept.

Her dreams were chaotic, filled with images she didn’t understand. She relived the hike she and Eve had taken. They hadn’t planned on going to Spirit Hills, but they’d come to a fork in the trail and took the wrong one. Why hadn’t they turned back?

Once again she saw the cave with the primitive drawings. There was something about those paintings, something they’d missed. They might have held a warning, or maybe a message. Were they even authentic? Kids could have done them as a joke.

And what about the mosaics? She’d been in such a hurry to get Eve away from the abstract that she’d all but ignored the other one. Maybe it was important too.

Sara dreamed she was awake. She was warm and dry, and feeling no ill effects from her swim. Sitting up, she found herself in a new cave, one with pale rock for its walls. She was laying on a pallet on the sandy floor. There was food and drink on a wooden tray beside her.

She felt no surprise when the image of a woman shimmered into view.

“I know you,” Sara said in her dream. “You saved me from the river. Who are you?”

The woman smiled, her face ageless. “I am one of the Guardian Spirits of the Hill.”

* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

Missed an installment? Catch up here: Part OnePart TwoPart ThreePart FourPart FivePart SixPart Seven, Part Eight,  Part NinePart TenPart ElevenPart Twelve, Part ThirteenPart Fourteen

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