Sunday, February 6, 2022


Trust is built with consistency.
— Lincoln Chafee

Trust dies but mistrust blossoms.
— Sophocles

Trusting our intuition often saves us from disaster.
— Anne Wilson Schaef

So . . . I finally figured out why I’ve developed an aversion to working at my desk. I cannot trust my chair.

When I set up the larger room across the hall for my office, I had a big L-shaped desk with a hutch on it. And a big desk deserved a big chair, so I had a really comfortable executive office chair. But no matter how often I rearranged the room, it just wasn’t comfortable to work in. So eventually I moved back across the hall where the feng shui was better.

It was a smaller room, and I got a smaller desk for it, and unfortunately it was too small for my spiffy big chair. However, the hubby had a couple of office chairs that he didn’t really have room for, so he offered me one of them.

It wasn’t the prettiest of chairs, but it was comfy, and it fit behind my desk. Everything was fine until one day one of the wheels fell off and my world tilted. The hubby fixed it and assured me everything would be fine. And it was – until the wheel fell off again.

At this point I suggested maybe I should get a new chair, but though the hubby was a little puzzled as to why this was happening, he assured me he could fix it. When it happened again I got fed up and switched the chair with it’s twin, which we still had. It worked out fine . . . until it didn’t and the wheel fell off.

I found if I sat carefully, the chair would be fine. But every once in awhile I’d forget and I’d sit down and find myself listing to one side. It got to the point where I was almost afraid to sit in my chair. I certainly didn’t trust it when I did.

I finally had enough, and this week I went to Staples to buy a new one. And I tell you, that in itself is a story. They have a whole office furniture section with a large display of office chairs. I tried out a few while I waited for a salesperson to notice me, and wouldn’t you know, the chairs I liked best were the ones without a price on them.

So I went looking for a salesperson. The first one I found told me it wasn’t her department but she’d send the correct person to help me. Twenty minutes later a different salesperson asked me if I was being looked after and I told her I was looking to buy a chair but half of them didn’t have prices on them. This wasn’t her department either, but she’d ask one of the managers to help me.

Five minutes later, she was back to tell me that the manager for this area was with another customer, but he’d be with me as soon as he was finished. Fifteen minutes later, after testing pretty much every chair in the department, I’d settled on the one I wanted, and about 10 minutes after that the store manager came to help me.

I told her which chair I wanted, and even though she didn’t usually handle the stock, she got the forklift from the stock room to get one of the chairs down for me – they were all in boxes piled on really high racks.

So, she’s manoeuvring this forklift along the rack, looking for the right box. The first salesperson that I spoke with comes out of the stockroom to help and directs her to the wrong box. There is one stack of boxes that have the illustration of what’s inside – looks like the chair I wanted to me – but they both ignored them.

Finally, the department manager finished with his customer and took over and I finally got my chair. Honestly, if I hadn’t had such a bad experience with the file cart I would have just written the information down and ordered it online, but I no longer trust their online service.

I got my chair home and put it together all by myself. It’s pretty and comfy, and I envision spending much time in it going forward.

* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

Wordage Report

I freely admit that the whole chair thing was not the only reason I didn’t get any writing other than my three-minute words done last week. I got a bad case of the winter blues and I just didn’t wanna. What I wanted to do was read – and I did. *sigh* I’m hoping to do better this week to justify getting my new chair.

I skipped Monday’s post on the other blog, but honestly, I didn’t have anything to say. And I still haven’t given any thought to resuming my Wednesday posts.

Blog Posts – 1074+935=2,009

Three minute words – 13+116+125+123+125+108+96=816
Total words: 2,009 words


Once again the only editing I did was the story for Friday’s post.

Like I said, I was in the mood to read last week. I read Under Currents, by Nora Roberts and I’m about halfway through Shelter in Place, also by Nora Roberts.

On the Kindle I read Holly Jolly Lycan Christmas by Alicia Montgomery, and I’ve just started The Dragon Prince of Alaska by Elva Birch.

I’m starting to see a pattern with these goals of mine. And I’m not altogether sure I like calling them goals. I did okay on the three-minute words, and I finished my mother-in-law’s afghan, but that’s as good as it got. *sigh*

1. Continue with the three minute word, and continue the cave story.
2. Finish my mother-in-law’s afghan.
3. Start the edits/rewrites on Elemental Spirit.
4. Look into online courses.
5. Work on expanding my Christmas story.

Happy writing.

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