Sunday, July 12, 2020

The Best of Both Worlds

Well, I figured out what was going on with my blog. And it wasn’t something I’d done, it was all Blogger’s fault. They have a new format which they sprang on my blog without any notice. I think they were having a couple of issues with it because there were no options for creating a new post or uploading photos.

Anyway, I fiddled around with it for a while and eventually I found a button that allowed me to return to the “legacy” version. Thank goodness! Now there’s a banner at the top of the composition page of both of my blogs that announces the new format and how we should try it out. Um, not thank you. Been there, done that, didn’t like it.

In other news . . . it’s hot as sin here in Ontario, and despite the thunderstorms lurking around there’s little relief in sight. Okay, so the storm fronts are going to bring the temperatures down out of the insanely hot bracket to the super hot bracket this week, but then they’re going to sky rocket again the following week.

You know, I like summer, but only to look at. I love the bright sun, the green, the flowers, the birds singing . . . but I don’t do well in excessive heat, and humidity? Forget it! If we could have the sun and the green in winter it would be perfect.

I like the cold. I would much rather be too cold than too hot – if you’re cold you can always put a sweater on, but if you’re too hot there’s only so much you can take off before people run screaming. This is why, when we had to replace our furnace in the winter, we spent the extra money to have central air included. It took me a while to embrace it – I hate having the doors and windows shut when there’s a breeze outside – but I’ve learned to love it.

I have my sun and my green, and I can look at it through the window while I enjoy the cool of the a/c. Truly the best of both worlds.

* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

Wordage Report

Editing – unknown
Here’s the thing. I know I have some notes written down for Bone Moon, but I could not for the life of me remember where. All I remember is there were some changes, and they were really good changes. So I wasted a good 45 minutes looking for these notes before getting so frustrated that I pulled out a different story to work on. So now I’m working on Visitation Rites, which needs to be fleshed out to become a real story

Wandering Wizards – 0 words
*sigh* Maybe this week.

Blog Posts – includes the post for my regular blog, but not the prompt post.
639 + 487 + 320 = 1446 words total

Weekly Prompt – 555 words
I was kind of surprised I was almost dead on with the word count for last week’s prompt story – only five words over. And I think technically you could call it fantasy, although it had some science fiction aspects in it. But I included the prompt sentence ‘I’ll deal with you later,’ and the onion.

Total Words – 2001

New Prompt
Write a 650 word story in the crime genre. It's about a vampire and should include coloring pencils. Also use the sentence 'I can't see you.' Bonus prompt: The story takes place in space.

Goals From Last Week:
I totalled more words on my blog posts than I have in previous weeks, but my prompt story was fewer words than it’s been lately. Of course I stuck to the word limit of the prompt, so that should give me a bonus point. As far as the kanban board goes . . . oops! I forgot all about it.

Again I managed to get all my blog posts up on time, and I’m moving forward with the editing, but once again I got zero words done on Wandering Wizards. I don’t know why I have such a problem when it comes to this book, but it’s getting tiresome.

Goals For This Week:
1. New words on Wandering Wizards. Maybe if I keep putting it at the top of my list I’ll actually do it one of these days.
2. New prompt story – this week’s prompt actually looks like it might be fun.
3. Finish setting up my kanban board so the projects are staring me in the face.
4. Dive into the edits on Visitation Rites.

And there’s what I’ll be up to this week. How about you?

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