Sunday, July 26, 2020

Down the Slippery Slope - Backwards

Well, the good news is that I managed to disable my track pad again. The bad news is that it really didn’t make much of a difference. I back slid into my old habits of reading too much and gaming too much. *sigh*

While I’m a little disappointed in myself, in my defense I was extra tired and head-achy last week. And I don’t know where my energy disappeared to, but I suspect it was self isolating itself.

But still, I did manage to get my blog posts up on time, and I really should get credit for that, especially the prompt story. I didn’t get it written ahead of time, and I did not budget my time wisely on Thursday and ended up staying up way too late to get the story done. The worst part is I don’t think it was worth it.

I’m not a fan of zombies or zombie stories in the first place, which is probably why I didn’t get it done earlier in the week. That being said, the story itself started to get away from me and I can see making a much longer story out of it in the future.

This is not what these prompts are about. They’re supposed to be just quick little fun exercises to get the creative juices going. But the prompt stories that I could make an actual story out of are starting to pile up. We’re talking a couple of anthologies worth. You know, when I have the time (and energy) to go back and work on them.

Also Thursday night, I attended a socially distant meeting of my poetry group. Six of us met down on the waterfront in the picnic table free picnic shelter. We brought our own beverages, chairs, masks, and poetry. It was actually kind of fun.

We shared our poetry and then chit-chatted until it started getting dark. I found it comforting that of the six of us, three (including me) were having trouble finding inspiration to write. But not only were the other three still writing, one even put together a slim volume of poetry. Kudos to her!

Normally I’d come home from a poetry meeting all fired up with creativity. Not so this time. While it was great to see my fellow poets, my poetic muse still seems to be self-isolating. But hopefully, like the COVID-19, this won’t last forever.

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Wordage Report

Editing – 0 hours/pages
Yeah . . . this time I didn’t even look at my editing stuff.

Wandering Wizards – a few words
I did add a few words, but not really enough to matter. And I kicked around the idea of a new title for it – one that makes better sense.

Blog Posts – includes the post for my regular blog, but not the prompt story.
481 (regular blog)+ 716 + 306 = 1,503 words total

Weekly Prompt – 803 words

Total Words – 2,306

New Prompt
This week’s prompt is from Writing Exercises and Prompts
Your spouse has left you but forgotten to take his/her credit card. You're not poor so how would you use the card in ways that would really upset your ex?

Goals From Last Week:
Well, my word counts were about the same, for everything except Wandering Wizards that is. I kind of stalled at the scene I’ve been working on because I started thinking it was dragging out too long, but that’s what edits are for, right?

You’ll notice I added the source for my weekly prompt this week, and I’ll keep doing it. I thought you might want to try generating a prompt or two of your own.

Still no edits, and I still haven’t made a decision on the kanban board. It seemed like such a good idea at the time, but I think it would be a better idea if I was actually getting stuff done.

Goals For This Week:
1. Words on Wandering Wizards. It would be really nice to be able to write ‘The End’ before the summer is over, but I won’t hold my breath.
2. New prompt story – and maybe some new sources for prompts. These are supposed to be quick and easy but they’re getting away from fun exercises and seem more geared to actual stories lately.
3. Decide whether I’m going with the kanban board or the dry erase, or just forget the whole thing.
4. Seriously, if I’m not going to edit I need to take it off my list.

And there’s what I’ll be up to this week. How about you?

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