Thursday, April 16, 2020

Fortune Telling – Part IV

Long before people used cards to play games, they were used to foretell the future in the age-old art of cartomancy. You don’t need to learn to use a deck of Tarot cards for this. Pretty much everyone has a deck of cards laying around the house, why not have a little fun and test out your fortune-telling abilities?

Our modern playing cards are descended from the Tarot – Hearts are Cups, Clubs are Wands, Diamonds are Pentacles (or Coins), and Spades are Swords. Once you know the basic meanings of the playing cards, you can choose a spread that is right for you. In fact, you can even choose to select only one card out of a deck to get a fast and easy "answer" to your problem, if you so desire.

Here are a few simple spreads to get you started:

Shuffle the cards while thinking of your question. Start dealing the cards into a pile. Stop when an Ace tops the pile or you reach thirteen cards. Do this twice more.
If aces top all three piles, the answer to your question is a definite yes.
If aces top two of the piles, your answer is a conditional yes.
If no aces appear, the answer is a definite no.
If only one ace appears, your answer is a conditional no.

Shuffle the cards while thinking of your question. Cut the cards into three piles from left to right. Turn the piles over to see whether they’re upright or reversed (upside down).
All cards reversed: Definitely No
2 cards reversed: Probably No
2 cards upright: Probably Yes
All cards upright: Definitely Yes

Shuffle the question into the cards. Cut the cards into three piles, from right to left. Turn the piles face up. Take the bottom card from each pile and place face up, directly above the pile from which you have taken it. The two cards at the right are the past. The two cards at the left are the future. The two middle cards represent present attitudes.

Pick out a court card to represent the inquirer (see card interpretations below and use the court cards); place this card face upwards in the center of the table. Have the inquirer shuffle the question into the deck. Deal the first six cards in a circle around the center card. Do this twice more, there will be six pile of three cards each. They are read to the inquirer as follows:
The first pile is for Yourself
The second pile is for your House
The third pile is for your Friends
The fourth pile is for your Work
The fifth pile is what lies nearest your Heart
The sixth pile is what comes Soonest


Ace: a new beginning: an important event taking place in the home
Two: great success
Three: problems arising from rash actions
Four: a long delay in marriage
Five: inability to make hard decisions
Six: possible dangers caused by overfriendliness and too much trust
Seven: beware, especially of those who seem too friendly
Eight: a happy event that gives a reason for celebration
Nine: fulfillment of a cherished goal
Ten: things are working in your favor
Jack: an individual close to you; someone you've know for a long time
Queen: a fair haired and fair tempered woman; a woman who is trustworthy
King: a man of good intentions; someone who is too hasty in action.

Ace: wealth, fame and friendship
Two: opposition to one's wishes
Three: changes; several marriages
Four: sudden trouble; collapse of a project
Five: a stable and happy relationship
Six: success through hard work
Seven: good fortune; beware of interference from the opposite sex
Eight: uncontrolled hunger for money causes trouble
Nine: bad luck; arguments with friends
Ten: wealth from an unexpected source
Jack: a faithful friend
Queen: a kind and loving woman; loyalty
King: a generous man; honesty and sincerity

Ace: expect something important to arrive
Two: a serious encounter with the opposite sex
Three: arguments and quarrels
Four: troubled times; clashes with friends and family
Five: prosperity; happiness with friends and family
Six: an unhappy ending
Seven: heavy losses in finance
Eight: travel; perhaps a move
Nine: unexpected news concerning money or perhaps travel
Ten: expect money from a friend or relative
Jack: a headstrong person; problems caused by greed
Queen: a flirtatious woman; interference
King: a strong willed man; a good friend but a dangerous rival

Ace: misfortune, perhaps in a relationship
Two: change of location; separation
Three: bad luck in love; unhappiness
Four: difficulties caused by misunderstandings
Five: obstacles will be overcome in business and friendship
Six: failure of a well thought out plan
Seven: quarrels that can lead to the loss of a good friend
Eight: use caution to head off serious problems
Nine: bad luck; illness; loss of money
Ten: extremely bad luck
Jack: a well meaning friend
Queen: an evil woman who brings trouble to those around her
King: a man who will stop at nothing to achieve success

If you’d like to do a more in depth reading with your cards, any of the traditional Tarot spreads will work. I’d suggest starting with the Celtic Cross, which you can find HERE.

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