Friday, September 29, 2023

Bad Moon Rising!

Due to the extreme bad luck I started experiencing once the full moon began to rise last night, this week's installment of Winter's Child is post-poned until tomorrow.

I honestly believe that the full moon was cursed. I was having such a great day. Then it all went to Hell in a handbasket at breakneck speed. It's like I was being punished for having such a good week (up until then). It may even be worthy of a blog post. In fact, if I'm not able to get the installment done for tomorrow, I might just share my bad luck story instead. LOL


Ann Bennett said...

Oh my, the only thing to say about bad luck is that it has to improve. Take care. I love Creedance too.

C R Ward said...

Thanks Ann! Things were a little better the next day, but I was so exhausted I still didn't get my chapter for Winter's Child done. I guess I'd better make sure that next week's installment is a good one!