Sunday, January 9, 2022

The Organization Blues

For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned.
— Benjamin Franklin

A good system shortens the road to the goal.
— Orison Swett Marden

Being organized isn’t about getting rid of everything you own or trying to become a different person: it’s about living the way you want to live, but better.
— Andrew Mellen

Once again I’m on that road that’s paved by good intentions. *sigh*

The organizing of my office is going much slower than I counted on.

Part of the blame lies with the weather. It’s been grey and rainy, grey and cold, and grey and windy. It sucked all my energy away. I didn’t even get any snow to brighten things up a bit. So my heart hasn’t really been in it. In fact, Wednesday, even though my new cart, the proper cart, arrived, I spent the day reading.

The rest of the blame lies solely with me. I want to get this right so I’m doing a major overhaul of my filing system, as well finding homes for various papers and notebooks, and “stuff” that’s scattered around. It is painstaking and time consuming, and yesterday I thought I was making good progress and then discovered two bins of “stuff” on the other side of my desk.

One thing about taking my time and going through all my files, I’m finding things I’d forgotten about. Granted some of them are stories so terrible they’re best left forgotten, but still. I also found a couple of folders of ideas I’d forgotten about, and some of them weren’t so bad.

So needless to say, I’m not doing all that great on my daily goals, spending an hour a day writing, editing, leaning, reading, and crafting. I probably spend, on average, at least an hour a day reading and crafting, and I’ve been writing for three minutes a day to a one word prompt, but editing and learning have kind of fallen by the way side.

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Wordage Report

While the only new words I have to show for my week are the ones I did for the one word prompts, a funny thing happened halfway through the week. I’m not sure if I mentioned it in my goals post, but one of the things I want to do is write a flash story each week. Why not kill two birds with one stone and do the story using my three-minute word exercises? I can continue the story each day.

Blog Posts – 876+483+324=1,683
Three minute words = 72+98+95+82+76+102+94=919
Total words: 2,602 words

As you may have noticed, I haven’t started a new Wednesday blog series yet. And I probably won’t for a while yet. And while I haven’t been burning up the keyboard with new words, I’ve at least been getting my daily word exercise done.

I’m actually looking forward to finishing the organizing so I can dive into my editing, although I’m thinking it’s more re-writing than editing proper. An Elemental Spirit is an elemental mess, and I really want to rewrite my little Christmas romance story to turn it into the story it was meant to be. Also, I’m not sure how to chart my editing – hours spent? Pages done? I’m sure I’ll figure it out.

The book I read on Wednesday was The Obsession, by Nora Roberts. It’s one of my favorites and I just had the urge to read it again. I also read The Cat Who Saved Books, by Sosuke Natsukawa. This was my book flood present to myself. Every once in awhile I like to step out of my reading comfort zone, and this was a pleasant change of pace.

On the Kindle I’ve been reading Touch A Dark Wolf, by Jennifer St. Giles. It’s a paranormal suspense, with a little romance thrown in. To be honest, I find it a little confusing because there’s so much backstory going on.

I guess I’ve already touched on the goals from last week. While I didn’t do any editing or learning, I did a little writing and a lot of reading and crafting, working on the afghan I started when we first got Amazon Prime. With any luck, I’ll have it done this week.

1. Continue with the three minute word, maybe even expand it to five minutes.
2. Keep up the good work reading and crafting.
3. Start the edits/rewrites on Elemental Spirit.
4. Look into online courses.

Happy writing.

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