Friday, December 18, 2020

And Now For Something Completely Different

I feel the need to take a break from the fantasy for a while, at least the writing of it. I’ll still be editing Blood Ties, but I thought it was about time I returned to the book I’m supposed to be writing for my writer’s retreat in the spring *knock on wood*

This really is something completely different for me. It’s neither science fiction nor fantasy, instead it’s a romantic suspense. It started out as a NaNo novel a few years ago, but I realize one week and 10,000 words in that it was a little too complicated for NaNo and I wouldn’t do it justice if I tried to rush it. So I abandoned it and it’s pretty much been languishing ever since. And yes, I did go on to complete the NaNo challenge with something else.

It should be an interesting experience for me, and if I enjoy it as much as I think I will there’s the possibility of sequels – the main character is the lead singer in a band called the White Knights, and while the band itself doesn’t figure prominently in the story, there are other band members that could use stories too.

For today I’m giving you the opening scene. I think it’s pretty self-explanatory.

* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

Jaxson Hunter nursed his drink slowly, he was starting to feel a distinct buzz from the whiskey and he wanted to prolong the feeling. Idly he glanced around the hotel bar, trying to see where the blonde had gotten to. Ah, there she was, sitting alone at a corner table. He contemplated going over to see if she wanted some company, then dismissed it as a bad idea. She didn’t look like a one night stand kind of woman, and that’s all he was willing to offer.

He’d noticed her the moment she’d entered the hotel bar. He wasn’t the only one, several heads had turned. She was average height, but there was nothing average about her looks. Underneath a cascade of wavy blonde hair was a heart shaped face and pouty lips just made for kissing. The body-skimming blue dress she wore showed off her curves in a modest way without flaunting them. Add to that breasts large enough to have just a hint of bounce and an ass firm enough to sink your teeth into and it was a wonder there wasn’t a stampede to get to her. Good thing this was a respectable hotel.

“She’s probably a hooker,” Jace, bass player for the White Knights, said as he sank into the chair opposite Jaxson.


“I’m not blind, man. You haven’t been able to take your eyes off her since she sauntered in here.”

“She didn’t saunter, she walked. And there’s no way that woman is a hooker, she’s got way too much class. And she’s not exactly inviting attention. In fact, she reminds me of . . .” His voice trailed off. Suddenly he tossed off his drink and signaled for another. “I just can’t help wondering what a woman like her is doing all alone in a bar.”

“Well, she won’t be leaving alone, if the guy I heard talking in the can has anything to say about it.”

Jaxson refocused his attention on his friend. “What are you talking about?”

Jace shrugged. “Happens all the time. Pretty woman gets tanked, sleezeball guy hangs around waiting for her to leave and ends up with a one night stand. The way she’s been drinking, it won’t be long now.”

Taking a closer look at the woman in question, Jaxson realized she’d been drinking pretty steadily. He didn’t think she was meeting anyone here and it didn’t seem as though she was looking for company. She’d been approached several times when she’d been sitting at the bar but sent them all on their way with a polite smile. That’s probably why she moved to the table, so they’d leave her alone. It was working so far, but he had to wonder for how long.

She reached for her purse and swayed slightly as she got to her feet. A man in a rumpled business suit sitting at a table nearby stumbled to his feet. He almost tripped over himself as he weaved his way towards her. Jaxson came to a decision. Standing up, he caught the other man’s eye, glared a message at him, and shook his head slightly. The man hesitated, took in Jaxson’s size, then shrugged and went back to his own table.

Jaxson tossed a couple of bills on the table. “I’ll catch you tomorrow before I leave.”

“Aw, man!” Jace said in disgust. “There he goes, ladies and gentlemen, the embodiment of the White Knights.”

* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

She realized she’d made a big mistake as soon as she tried to stand up. Finding the wig left behind in the hotel room had seemed like a godsend. She could sneak down to the bar and have a few drinks and no one would be the wiser. Only it had been a long time since she’d dared to have more than a glass or two of wine with supper, and she hadn’t had anything to eat since lunch. The liquor hit her like a sledgehammer the moment she stood up.

She swayed in place, trying to get her balance. Suddenly, there was a steadying hand under her elbow.

“Easy there, you don’t want to move too quickly.”

The deep voice reverberated through her sending a delicious shiver up her spine. She turned slowly and looked up into a pair of the bluest eyes she’d ever seen. He was tall, with broad shoulders and lean hips. His dark hair was drawn back tightly from his face, emphasizing his cheekbones.

“Thank you,” the words left her mouth in a breathless rush. Desire slammed through her. This would be so much better to drown her sorrows with than liquor.

“Are you all right?” A frown marred that perfect brow, the genuine concern in his voice sent another wave of desire through her.

“I—” She could tell him the truth and go meekly back to her room, or she could have a night that would sustain her for the rest of her life.

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