Sunday, June 28, 2020

The Little Writer That Could

Well, much to my surprise I kept up the blogging schedule I set myself last week. Yeah, Friday’s post was a little late, but I did manage to get it done so I get credit for that.

That being said I spent way too much time trying to decide what my next non-fiction series should be (and then doing research on it), and looking at prompts and finding new ones. I mean WAY too much time. I think it might be time to reinstate the jar of prompts, and the rule is that can only pick one a week. Which also means I’ll have to settle on my new prompt Saturday night so I can post it Sundays.

I did create my own version of the kanban board, but didn’t really have time to do more than stuck it up on my wall and stick three headings on it – to do, in progress, and finished. I spent a lot of time making a master list when I really should have just been writing things on the stick notes and sticking them to the board.

While I can take pride in setting a goal and reaching it this past week, the proof will be in the pudding – can I keep it up? I guess we’ll see.

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Wordage Report

Editing – none
You know, if I had a ‘To Be Edited’ box and a ‘Finished’ box on either side of my desk, my desk would probably tip right over. The sheer volume of ‘stuff’ that needs to be edited is daunting, but I need to suck it up and get to it.

Wandering Wizards – 0 words
I know how this book ends. I know how to get there. But there seems to be a connection problem between my brain and my fingers. I’m seriously tempted to skip ahead and then work my way backwards.

Blog Posts
– includes the post for my regular blog, but not the prompt post.
430 + 518 + 592 = 1540 words total

Weekly Prompt – 596 words
Considering the amount of time I spent looking at/generating prompts, I find it a little ironic that I ended up using a prompt I tried using a few weeks ago. I just typed out the two paragraphs I had written and ran with it. Go figure.

Total Words - 2136 words

New Prompt
One evening in the forest, a boy, an old widow, and a fortune teller find an old man.

Goals For the Week
This is kind of scary because it means I really have to commit myself to getting stuff done. Otherwise I start looking like a poser instead of a writer (which is the way I’m starting to feel). So, goals (in addition to blog posts):
1. New words on Wandering Wizards. Any words. They don’t even have to be good words, just words to move the story forward.
2. New prompt story – and this is just an exercise so I don’t need to agonize over it, I just have to get it written as quickly as possible.
3. Edit - just pick a story at random and start pecking away at it. And hopefully it’ll be so easy I’ll be inspired to edit others.

Wow. It looks like I’ve got a lot on my plate for the week ahead. How about you?

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