Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Summer’s End

Can you believe that summer’s over? Okay, maybe not literally, fall doesn’t officially start until September 23, but everybody knows Labour Day marks the end of the summer season.

For my part last week was a flurry of activity, and while I managed to squeeze in time for reading, I didn’t do so well with the writing. I don’t know if it’s so much a dry spell, it’s more like an energy slump. It’s been a tiring time

But whatever it is, I need to get over it. Next week the grandbaby starts Junior Kindergarten, which is now full time and full weeks. Which means no more babysitting. I’m not sure how I feel about this.

On the one hand it’ll be nice to have that three or four hour chunk out of the middle of my day back, but on the other hand I’m going to miss the little rug rat. She’s an amazing kid (and I’m not just saying that as a doting grandmother, everyone who meets her says the same thing). She’s sweet, and kind, and stubborn (no idea who she gets that from), and artistic, and has an incredibly vivid imagination. I’m really going to miss reading to her, and playing with her, and doing arts and crafts with her.

Surprisingly I get some of my best writing done while we’re together. After lunch she likes to have quiet time, where she expects me to write while she plays quietly close by. This is where my Neo comes in handy. And if she wants to have a turn I just open a fresh document and then print out what she types when I get home. It’s a great way to teach a pre-schooler her letters.

I’m sure you won’t be surprised when I admit that while the quiet time writing works when I’m with the grandbaby, I have a problem replicating it at home. Sort of like trying to do NaNo at any time other than November. I had a four day weekend and not once did I get any quiet time writing in. Another reason I’ll miss our time together.

So . . . fun times for grandbaby, sucky time for Grammy ahead. LOL

Prompts of the Week

I have to keep reminding myself that these prompts are not meant to be time consuming, they’re just for a bit of fun. Last week’s three word prompt was more like what I had in mind here, and although three words didn’t seem like a lot at the time, once I got working with them it went fairly quickly. And the bonus is I now have a character who needs his story told (some time in the future).

Being the contrary person I am, I decided to try a different prompt generator for this week’s prompt. Actually, I picked two prompts from Springhole.

First I picked a Creepypasta & Supernatural Horror Story Prompt, which gave me this:
One day in an abandoned factory haunted by a restless spirit, a lost girl summons a restless spirit.

And just to hedge my bets, I also clicked on Really Random Plot-o-Tron and was presented with this gem:
A lost fungus invokes the wrath of the planet by finding a primitive country.

It’s anyone’s guess which one will make it onto the blog on Saturday.

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