Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Excuse #792

After I got the ekphrastic poem written last week the writing pretty much took a nose dive.

I had a little extra babysitting last week, and as I mentioned before, the grandbaby is transitioning out of her naps so that gives her an extra hour and a half to drain the energy from me. Plus the weekend was a holiday weekend for us here in Canada, so I had to focus on getting the house cleaned up. That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it.

We had some family from out of town come for a barbeque on Saturday and sadly I’ve never been what one might consider a “Suzy Homemaker.” Normally that wouldn’t matter because it was a barbeque – we were going to be eating outside. However, we’ve had an unnatural amount of rain and there was a good chance it was going to rain on our barbeque, which meant people would actually be in my house. Therefore, the house must be cleaned!

And being the anal retentive weirdo I am, a lot of what I did was stuff no one was going to notice except me. But my fridge has never been cleaner, and you can actually see your reflection in the stove. So Sunday I got to kick back and relax and enjoy my clean house. I celebrated by…not writing, but sitting out on the deck to read. Close but no cigar.

However, whilst reading I did get an idea for that scene I wanted to add to Wandering Wizards (the one I skipped over), and I got a brand new idea for a quirky, maybe even funny, romantic short. So at least my mind was on the right track.

Now you’d think that would mean yesterday, which was the actual holiday, I would have been all gung ho to write. Well, it was a thought, but just a passing one. Instead I went down to the local Waterfront Festival. Twice. And then we went down again after supper to watch the fireworks, which is why this blog post is late (I usually try and write them the night before and schedule them, only there wasn’t any night before).

Anywho, while the fireworks weren’t all that impressive this year I did get some (unintentionally) interesting pictures. I took my good camera down with me and put it on the sports setting which is for action shots. But it’s hard to keep still when you shoot 600 pictures in the space of 10 minutes, so some of the pictures came out . . .weird. Those were the best ones of all. :-D

To prompt or not to prompt, that is the question…

Oh! Lookee what I found! Too lazy to go to my office to peruse my writing materials, I did a quick Google search for prompts and found this cool page:
Writing Exercises
This page has a whole bunch of neat prompt generators like Random First Lines, ‘Take Three Nouns,’ and Random Image Generator. There are about 21 of them to choose from and I hereby challenge you to pick one (or two) to give your creativity a boost.

And hey, if you have fun with it let me know. And if you like what you’ve come up with (or even if you don’t like it but still had fun) send it to me at crward(dot)author@gmail(dot)com so I can post it along with mine on Saturday.

C’mon. You know you want to!

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