Thursday, May 28, 2020

Tell Me Your Fortune - Part IX

While I’m sure most people are familiar with palmistry, having your fortune told by someone reading the lines in the palm of your hand, did you know you your feet can also hold the key to your fortune?

Podomancy, or solistry, has been around for ages, having its roots in China and Iran. Someone skilled in this art can divine a person’s future by looking at the size, shape, and lines of the foot.

Take your big toe, for instance.

If you have a very large big toe, you probably like to talk, but most of what you say isn’t based in reality. If it stands away from your other toes, it means you take time before expression your innermost thoughts and feelings to the outside world. If your big toe is painful, it means you tend to hang onto things that affect your life in a negative way. If the toe is short it means you have trouble expressing yourself altogether. But you express yourself in a sensitive and tactful way if this toe is rounded.

And there’s more! If your toes naturally cross, it means that you have little faith in yourself and find it hard to trust. Webbed second and third toes show that your self-esteem tends to be firmly linked to your activities or career, however you are a potential genius.

If you have a longer second toe you’re among the many who have great vision and like to be in charge. You can, however, be a little opinionated. A toe bending towards the big toe means you look back too often to the past and are hanging onto it. But a toe bending towards the little toe means you’re in a rush to reach the future.

Crooked toes are a sign you tend to modify your thinking to please others even though this encourages devious thoughts. Bent toes show your thinking is self-conscious and you often fear failure and responsibility. Twisted toes mean you like to avoid the truth, and look to others for reassurance.

Little toes that are tightly squeezed under the toe beside them mean you have little faith in yourself. You find it hard to trust and let go, and you may be reluctant to take on responsibility, particularly within a family.

As for the feet themselves . . . Swollen puffy feet indicate you’re troubled by past issues and problems they may create in the future. You’re holding back and having trouble expressing your emotions. If you’re feeling indecisive and pulled in too many directions at once, you probably have cracks in your heels. Your psyche feels “cracked.”

High arches mean you’re highly motivated, although sometimes you can be a bit of a dreamer. You learned to be self-sufficient at an early age. You’re a positive person and prefer to work through issue from a logical standpoint. Low arches indicate you’re a practical realist, more prone to the negative rather than the positive aspects of life. You’re more apt to rely on others instead of yourself – you need to let go and dream a little more.

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