Sunday, March 22, 2020

World on Fire

Wow. I was tongue in cheek when I compared the COVID-19 pandemic to Stephen King’s the Stand last week, but it’s not so funny anymore.

Canada is basically on lock-down, until further notice. Grocery stores and pharmacies are still open, but we’re told not to go there unless it’s an absolute necessity, and the grocery stores are limiting purchases and the number of people they’re letting in. Our children’s children will be learning about this in history class.

Being diabetic I’m considered “at risk.” So’s the hubby, who’s only been cancer free for a couple of years. There have been 6 cases reported in our area but no deaths so far. I hope it stays that way. If you’re curious about the numbers around the world, check out the COVID-19 map.

One of those confirmed cases was at the granddaughter’s school. They’re being close-mouthed about what grade it was but the daughter is taking no chances. And her hubby works for a store that’s still open to the public, which pretty much puts them at risk too. So, while they’re still coming for Sunday dinner tonight, I’m off the hook for babysitting for this week.

For the record, I’m not liking this much.

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Wordage Report

Well, I’ll tell you. For part of the first three days of last week I enjoyed the company of the granddaughter. Thursday I just didn’t feel like doing anything, and Friday the hubby and I binge-watched the first season of Game of Thrones. Saturday I wasn’t quite as lazy, but still.

Wandering Wizards – +1000 words, -700 words.
There is this scene I want to write that shows Jessica is having misgivings about staying in the magical realm, but I just can’t seem to word it right. I wrote it three times, deleted it twice, and I might just skip over it on my way to the action.

Weekly Prompt – 424 words
My prompt story took a creepy turn (as my short stuff often does) and I’m not finished with it yet. Maybe I’ll finish it this week.

New Prompt
Use this as your first line:
I survived the magical experiment gone haywire by hiding in her library.

Happy Writing!

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